Lift , Carry , and drop
In this interesting topic i have learn a lot of things , some of them are : How does the wind work ,how do streams change , How does carry rocks , some facts about glaciers ,how does glaciers melt .Now i am going to explain you this lessons that were inside the topic lift , carry and drop. For me the mos interesting part was how does the wind work i have learn that erosion and deposition work together . also that wind pick up land that may cause land changes . About how do streams change is by carriying sediment downhill and deposits it elsewhereand by time it hapens , the river change . some facts about the magnificense and popular glacier is that valleys glaciers form in high mountains where it is colder by elevation .When a glacier reaches the edge of a continent , it breaks off into icebergs . Now talking about what happens when glacier melts is that rocks that where frozen break down and it is maked a sediment . For me this was a ver very very interesting topic a little complicated for me but very interesting .

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